Hearing impairment is one of the problems where many children are suffering at the early stage of their life because of which they are losing self-esteem and getting socially isolated. In order to prevent this at an early stage, many clinics institutions how come forward if there is only hearing impairment alone and then they will prevent it at an early stage and they take further preventive measures and also they promote Children learning as well as communication capabilities. If you’re looking for such kind of please then you must visit learning for deaf children where they will help the children by increasing their capabilities of learning and communicating with other Co people so that they can lead a socially normal life and pursue their graduation if they lot of confidence. But learning should be done in a step by step manner that is they have to be I thought in a sequential manner that is by teaching vocabulary first and then sentence structures, speaking afterward, which ultimately lead to their Academy achievement.
What is the procedure of teaching deafchildren?
The children who have the impairment problem should be motivated first and then the learning process should be thought by showing gestures and then teaching vocabulary first. Vocabularies include cat, red, Jim small words should be thought first and then abstract words which are very difficult to pronounce
After the vocabulary, they should be thought about sentence forming first of all after learning the words and their meaning, and then they are trying to produce simple sentences fast and then complex sentences. All these sentences are made in passive voice.
After learning sentences they should be trained to speak. People having this hearing loss problem may not pronounce the S sounds properly and they may not include them in the speech
They should be taught to speak with medium pitch so that it would be understood by the others they have the general tendency of speaking very high or very low.
This ultimately leads to their academic achievement, especially while reading and also in mathematical concepts .children who are having problem of very mild or moderate hearing loss it can easily cope up with normal individuals and can manage their own works.
Children with profound hearing loss may not perceive higher level that is proper level of learning in such cases it is very difficult for intervention and sort out this problem. Inside cases it is always beneficial to treat the problem in the early stage only.
so my suggestion is if your kid is having this kind of problem immediately choose the best learning platform such aslearning for deaf children which is the ultimate platform which will train your kid from basics too advance and try to improve he’s learning and speaking skills.