WCO is an anime series centered on the world of The Financial District, where supernatural battles are waged for the chance of money. It stars Haruto Tsukishiro as the title character, a normal girl who discovers that witches are real and begins to hunt them down. In addition to the supernatural characters, wco also features a number of other characters, including a female witch named Saya, a humanoid youkai.
The Financial District is a world of supernatural battles for the possibility of money
In “The Financial District,” Kimimaro, a scholarship student, dreams of a stable future as a civil servant. But when she meets a mysterious man who offers her money fast, her dreams become a nightmare. She is soon drawn into a world of supernatural battles for money, which is really not all that different from the Midas currency, which people in other countries use as currency. Kimimaro and her friends discover that their country is in deep financial trouble, due to the Midas money, and it is up to her to stop this from happening before their friends’ futures are destroyed!
Bem, Bela, and Belo are ugly humanoid youkai
The story revolves around the trio of ugly humanoid youkai known as the Bems. They were created from the same cell and divided into three separate entities. Despite being ugly, the creatures are very loyal and believe in good deeds. Bem is the oldest looking of the three and resembles a tall man with pointed ears and blank eyes. Belo is the newest to the group.
The BEM remake makes the Trios a bit more attractive. Although they still bleed green, Bera’s human form has less creepy features than her monster form. Belo looks like an emo kid in her human form. While the Trios are all ugly, their appearances have improved dramatically. Their human forms have fewer flaws, including pale skin and fingernails.
Saya is a normal girl living in a shrine
If you’re familiar with the WCO anime series, you’ve probably heard about the titular character, a peaceful schoolgirl who becomes a fearsome monster slayer by night. The titular character is equipped with a ceremonial sword for sacred tasks, and she fends off monsters in her village. One night, however, she overhears a group of monsters talking about a broken covenant. Saya decides to defend the village, but she must make a difficult decision.
Haruto Tsukishiro learns of the existence of witches
In this anime, Haruto Tsukishiro, a high-school student, discovers that the world is full of powerful magical entities. He enlists the aid of a research professor, Katsumi Kanzaki, and a mysterious white-haired girl named Lily. The two work together to outwit the witches and save the world from destruction. This series is part of the popular media franchise The Art of 18 and premiered on July 7, 2017.
The concept of a dream world is not new. It is a world in which creatures can be controlled and manipulated by Witches. Haruto functions as a Dream Weaver, controlling various creatures in his dreams. The degree of control given to him depends on the Witch he encounters. The Dream Witch has a similar ability in her own dimension. Girls who become witches suffer from Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, which causes them to be incapable of waking up without help from someone in the dream world.